Is there a way to tell gorm to select only those rows (Attractions), that have a hasOne relation (AttractionsData)? The same as I'd use "::has('relativeName)" in Laravel? The following code will return collection including Attractions with empty relation instead of skipping them

type Attractions struct {
    ID              uint              `gorm:"primary_key"`
    Active                int       `json:"-"`
    AttractionsData AttractionsData `gorm:"foreignkey:AttractionID"`
type AttractionsData struct {
    ID                    uint      `gorm:"primary_key"`
    AttractionID          uint      `json:"-"`
    Lang                  string    `json:"lang"`
    Title                 string    `json:"title"`
    Active                int       `json:"-"`
func someFunc(c *gin.Context){
    db := config.DBConnect()
    defer db.Close()    
    var atts []Attractions
    db.Preload("AttractionsData", "lang = ? AND active = ?", lang, 1).
            Where("country_id = ?", countryID).
            Where("category_id = ?", categoryID).
            Where("active = ?", 1).