MCache library

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go-mcache - this is a fast key:value storage. Its major advantage is that, being essentially a thread-safe .


with expiration times, it doesn't need to serialize, and quick removal of expired keys.

~ $ go get -u

Example a Pointer value (vary fast method)

package main

import (

	mcache ""

var MCache *mcache.CacheDriver

type User struct {
	Name string
	Age  uint
	Bio  string

func main() {
	MCache = mcache.StartInstance()

	key := "key1"

	user := &User{
		Name: "John",
		Age:  20,
		Bio:  "gopher 80 lvl",
	//args - key, &value, ttl
	err := MCache.SetPointer(key, user, time.Minute*20)
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("MCACHE SET ERROR:", err)

	if pointer, ok := MCache.GetPointer(key); ok {
		if objUser, ok := pointer.(*User); ok {
			fmt.Printf("User name: %s, Age: %d, Bio: %s\n", objUser.Name, objUser.Age, objUser.Bio)
	} else {
		log.Printf("Cache by key: %s not found\n", key)

Example serialize and deserialize value (slow method)

package main

import (

	mcache ""

var MCache *mcache.CacheDriver

type User struct {
	Name string
	Age  uint
	Bio  string

func main() {
	MCache = mcache.StartInstance()

	key := "key1"

	userSet := &User{
		Name: "John",
		Age:  20,
		Bio:  "gopher 80 lvl",
	//args - key, &value, ttl
	err := MCache.Set(key, userSet, time.Minute*20)
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("MCACHE SET ERROR:", err)

	var userGet User
	if ok := MCache.Get(key, &userGet); ok {
		fmt.Printf("User name: %s, Age: %d, Bio: %s\n", userGet.Name, userGet.Age, userGet.Bio)
	} else {
		log.Printf("Cache by key: %s not found\n", key)

dependency use: msgpack

What should be done

  • the possibility of closing
  • r/w benchmark statistics
  • rejection of channels in safeMap in favor of sync.Mutex (there is an opinion that it will be faster)